Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Top 10 of 2010

Inspired by my extremely bohemian cousin Lola Rain and her recent top 10 of 2010 blog post, I have written my top moments of 2010. Since my cousin is so much more authentic than me, I only have 8 moments instead of 10.

1. Starting this blog- Although I started it on the last day of 2010, it's like, one of the greatest accomplishments ever known to mankind.

2. Trip to Europe & visiting my sister in Israel- My fiance and I had a romantic week in Paris & Rome. Then I drove over a cat in Israel. I splatted the shit out of that cat and ate hummus. Then we went to Amsterdam with my sister and awesome cousins. One of us fell through a large glass display case in the Vodka Museum. If you ever get there, mention that you know the person that fell through the display case. They said it had never happened before.

3. My Bachelor Party- Just superb. 

4. My first trip to Vegas- I cant believe I have never been here before. I never want to go back. I'll be there in April. 
Pool party at our hotel.
5. Cabo-Johnny's Bachelor party during college spring break last March. So much house music. All the college kids thought I was 23. Sick.

6. A week in Maine with Grandma- This trip could be like five blogs on its own. When Grams had a stroke in 2009 she transformed from a nasty old lady with a bitch streak from here to Californy to a mild mannered senior who thinks everything is "just so great!". Who is this woman who tells me and my shiksa fiancee she "love, love, LOVES" us, and what has she done with my grandmother? The whole trip was filled with hilarious and awkward anecdotes from a bad family sitcom. From getting yelled at for cooking dinner later than 5:30, cleaning too much or too little, our forced trip to the bottle redemption center, Grandma's first frappuccino ("mmmmm this is SOOOO DELICIOUS, I LOVE IT!"), causing a scene over the $25 checked baggage fee, to her inaccurately pointing out landmarks from the plane to strangers, there was never a dull moment.
7. Dancing with Precious on New Year Eve.- It was either Precious or her fatter, more AIDS infected older sister. Whoever it was, I literally could not get enough of her.

8. Planning our wedding- Nothing brings out the Jew in me like a good negotiation. And that's all wedding planning is! Engagement ring, venue, photographer, flowers, wedding rings, menu, music- everything is negotiable!


  1. I don't think Precious has ever smiled so much, or at least not since she opened that box of assorted crumbs cupcakes she received as a pre-Christmas dinner snack. That said, you were the recipient of a good number of disapproving glares and a few well placed shots in the eye from a special little lady.

  2. How did I miss this post?? This was a pretty good one. I think you SHOULD do a whole blog thingy on gramma. I think I would enjoy it.

    P.S. Everytime I see pictures of Vegas pool parties, with a 100,000 drunk people all jammed into one pool, like retarded cattle (I wrote camel first, but I totally meant cattle), I cannot help but think what the ratio of that pool water is to urine.
