Dear Ms. Malone:
I would like to fund your entire campaign to Gaza under one simple condition; you promise to stay there and never set foot in New York City ever again. If you believe that the U.S. is waging a joint war with Israel against poor Palestinians and Muslims worldwide, you should really make that fact be known and not hide behind your campaign for "Palestinian human rights". As hard as you may try, nothing you do or say will dam the torrential rivers of white guilt that surge through your veins. I am unaware as to how you found yourself wallowing in this cesspool of left wing propaganda. I imagine that at some point you were misled by a troubled child from the "Religion of Peace" who blamed America and Israel for his/her predicament, and thus, so did you. You are an ignorant, self absorbed phony that cares not about Gaza or any Palestinians.
She emailed back:
Thank you for your generous offer to completely fund my campaign to go to Gaza. Please do put the check in the mail as soon as possible. $7,000 would cover airfare, tapestock, accommodation for 4 months. Please make check out to Nora Malone, 249 Smith Street # 186, Brooklyn, NY 11231. For tax-deductible contributions please submit check to my film's fiscal sponsor, Women Make Movies, Inc. Of course I'd prefer a direct check as WMM will take 7%.
Nora Malone
MFA, Film and Media Arts Temple University 2003
Cell 267 241 0405
Nora Malone
MFA, Film and Media Arts Temple University 2003
Cell 267 241 0405
Brilliant, as usual. She's so mad, I bet! tee hee!