Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Toddlerization of America

I'm sure you have all seen your local Fauxhemian strolling around drinking coffee and wearing one of these hats over the past few months. I think the hats are adorable on actual children aged 2-6 years old, but not so much on the 20-30 year old dependent liabilities who behave like children. No, you dont look like an artist, you look like a douche. A douche with a panda on his head. And no, they are not "sustaibable" or "free trade". Some 9 year old Chinese girl in a windowless room was just paid $.04 to knit 600 of those "unique" hats. I'm shocked that I haven't seen a Josh or Meghan walking around wearing one of these hats, they are way more attention grabbing.

But what just made me puke a little was the category of hats called "Urban Streetwear". "Urban" is the culture of cities.  Look at Tyler on his abandoned couch looking "urban". Almost as urban as a $40 40oz.


  1. WTF is wrong with people. I like how the hat co. refers to one item as "The Classic Monkey...." Classic? Who made these things "classic". Classic, douchebag-wear, yes. Its sems to me that any society that can foster this crap is really on a serious decline.

  2. hahahahha, those stupid hats make you so mad
