Asian advocacy groups are fuming over the upcoming public screening of the classic film "Breakfast at Tiffany's" at Brooklyn Bridge Park
next month. Ursula Liang, a shitbag Hipster blowhard who launched the petition
against the screening stated “
It’s outrageous that public funding would sponsor a film like that...It’s not appropriate to show in this day and
age.” This 1961 movie featuring Audrey Hepburn includes the role of Micky Rooney as Mr. Yunioshi, a buck toothed neighbor with coke bottle glasses who speaks with an exaggerated Asian accent in one minor scene. Marcie Chin, a South Park Slope resident, adds it "
is highly insensitive and socially irresponsible”. What these dumb shits don't realize is that all
movies and all pop culture must be viewed through the lens of history. In 1961,the vast majority of citizens were WWII veterans and their immediate families. The moviegoers of the day had killed millions of Japanese people just 15 years earlier, and had their friends and tortured and blown apart by vicious bloodthirsty Japanese soldiers. The bloody Korean War had just ended 8 years prior, more recent to them than 9/11 to us. So yes, making fun of Japs and Asians was, and remains funny. We all know racism is wrong, but we must acknowledge that is a part of our history. American dehumanization of blacks throughout slavery and Jim Crow was exemplified in Mark Twain's classic Huckleberry Fin. Last year word one publisher stated that readers were offended and changed the word "nigger" in the book to "slave", although they are not synonymous. If you don't want to appreciate the book, don't read it. If you don't like offensive movies, don't see them.
Maybe our children and grandchildren will live in a world with less racism. We're far better off than our parents and grandparents generations in that regard. That doesn't mean we should forget or rewrite history. There are many lessons we should not forget. For example, my grandfather was a very tolerant man, he even appreciated Oprah and Obama in his later years. But he was so disgusted by what he witnessed in China during WWII, he could not believe they were human beings. He carried the belief that Asians were subhuman animals to his grave. And I could not argue that point with him. We must not forget the lesson behind the racism of the day; that Japs are bloodthirsty animals who wish to
rape our lands and people,
love anime to the point they get gay over it,
have suicide rates that rival latina teenagers, and are just, in general, a shitty angry stupid culture. All past, current and future Jap anger is probably due to, as South Park has proven, their small penises.
God I love your articles because every single one reveals juuuuuuuust a little more of what a fucking horrible bigot you are, and juuuuuuuust a little more of how god damned stupid you are. You managed to take a reasonable premise (screening Breakfast at Tiffany's, or any movie with offensive elements, should be fine) and attach your own special brand of racism to it. Keep up the good work you fucking moron.
ReplyDeleteAnd you keep reading because just under your disingenuous liberal exterior, you know I am right.