Michelle Bachmann, the best female politician, proves that women can "successfully" parrot the correct ideas of strong, masculine men upon accidentally wandering out of the kitchen. Bachmann opposes "illegal" immigration, favors governmental austerity, and has a hilarious "reading list" of economists. (Yes, despite her "Austrian" disposition, she quickly cites the works of Walt Whitman and Thomas Sowell, making her impervious to charges of racism!)
Fact: Michelle Bachmann has a killer pussy. Certifiably, it is at least as tight as a man's anus, which was enough to certify her well-meaning husband as a card-carrying heterosexual. Many jokes have been made about Marcus Bachmann's effeminate vocal intonations (all by the "tolerant" left, of course). You would think that the progessive leftists disliked faggotry based on how viciously they mock him. Seriously, read the comments on any left-wing website with an "expose" on the "shocking" details of the Bachmann gay rehab clinic. Better yet, I'll just quote a gay:
“Otherwise we’re just promoting the same narrow-minded and one-dimensional interpretation of what constitutes a homosexual and what constitutes a man, not to mention furthering the line of thinking that gay men are put on this earth to amuse everyone and serve as cultural clowns.”Exactly. That’s why I can’t stand all the “Marcus Bachmann is gay” jokes…Especially since most of the ones I have heard in the media have come from straight “liberal” men.
Michelle Bachmann is a quintessential neocon, intent on spreading heterosexual democracy to all corners of the earth. She has given the requisite slurping blowjob to Israel and Jews that is required of American political candidates. But Mrs. Bachmann still has work to do on the home front.
Yes, recently the nonpartisan media revealed that Bachmann's own local district was "suffering" from a flurry of gay teen suicides. Homosexuality, considered a mental disorder on its own until (usurping jews normalized it in) 1973, has apparently been rearing its ugly head in the super-fagged-out state of Minnesota.
"Over the past two years, a total of nine teenagers have committed suicide in a Minnesota school district represented by Rep. Michele Bachmann—the latest in May—and many more students have attempted to take their lives."Wow, that's a lot of dead gays!
"Some of the victims were gay, or perceived to be by their classmates, and many were reportedly bullied."Oh, so not all nine were actually gay or bullied. Poor kids, I wonder if they would've persisted through their mental problems if they'd known that their legacies would be lumped in with a bunch of broken faggots. "Bullying" is a healthy and natural form of evolutionary competition, and the scare quotes around that word come from the pro-faggot regime's histrionic indignation over so much as a raised eyebrow. Only a plump, robust society could tolerate so much unhealthiness, but this point has been griped about elsewhere.
Michelle Bachmann failed her constituents. She did not "pray the gay away" from the hormonally-imbalanced, cisgender-disabled white kids (yes they are all white) who became a hero in her home state. Bachmann's bullying efforts were not strong enough (no surprise; she is a woman), and her Christianity lacked the necessary conviction (no surprise; she loves Jews). She must strive harder to accomplish her goals (whatever they are).
** Honestly, read the whole fucking account of the unstable, "married" queer who "exposed" the Marcus Bachmann therapy clinic. Dare yourself to finish it. There is absolutely nothing mean-spirited, "immoral", or empirically-unsound about the entire operation. All the authority figures seemed to grasp the informal, nebulous concept and sought only to steer gays away from their unsafe hypersexuality by way of a spiritual foundation. The "pray the gay away" catchphrase is a creation of the apologist media; it is purposefully dumb as a deceit to sympathetic normals. Wow, I thought once gays got "married" they would settle down and behave like the rest of us and not embark on hysterical smear campaigns! I never saw this coming!!
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