Wednesday, February 9, 2011

We Are Really Dumb. For Real.

I always read Tuesday's NY Hipster Times so I can check out the Zionist slant they put on science. Yesterday's had two interesting articles. The first, "On Evolution, Biology Teachers Stray From Lesson Plan" discusses how only 28% of public high school biology teachers attempt to teach evolution correctly,13% preach creationism, while the middling 59% teach some sort of shitty inconclusive bastardization of science. The very next article that popped up was "Most New York Students Are Not College-Ready". According to the second article, 75% of NYC public high school grads who enroll in community colleges need to take remedial classes. I'm never shocked at government waste, especially throwing money into the cycle of shame known as our public education system, but wawaweewa. We pay undereducated idiot public school teachers to incorrectly teach the material. The students are allowed to graduate without a clue, and then we pay more teachers to reteach the same shit that had supposedly done been learned already. I place the blame solely on the parents for being disassociated lazy single parent entitled crybaby assholes. To all the parents out there, its not the school's job to make sure your kid learns, its your job. It's not a lack of funding that makes your kid fail at school and life, its your fault for sucking as a parent. Maybe those redneck creationist-teaching homeschooling assholes are right. Generation FAIL.


  1. Not all homeschoolers are creationist.

    When I find my wife , I and she plan to homeschool our kids to keep them away from the shallow , sordid and vapid contemporary pop culture which the hipsters are but one manifestation of .....

    Plus it is good to *NOT* have a television if one has kids in the house .

  2. Evolution is bullshit
