Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Worst Parents In the World!!!!

Yes, that's four exclamation marks bad. There is so much wrong here, and naming their three kids Jazz, Kio and Storm is just the tip of the iceberg. THESE HORRIBLE PARENTS decided to raise a "Gender neutral baby" Not because the kid has both sex organs, but as "a tribute to freedom and choice in place of limitation, a stand up to what the world could become in Storm's lifetime". I'm sure many of you read about these parents already, but I was so disgusted that I had to sit on this blog for a couple of weeks.

The mother adds In fact, in not telling the gender of my precious baby, I am saying to the world, ‘Please can you just let Storm discover for him/herself what s (he) wants to be?!.” What a narcissistic attention demanding piece of shit. 

No, people dont just discover these things. People must be taught social constructs. Constructs that include sexuality, gender, gender role and all that other nonsense I learned about in mandatory sensitivity training. I wonder how these parents will feel when Storm discovers his/her sexuality at age 6 in some dude's van because that's what s/he wanted and s/he wouldn't let society tell him/her what to do because his/her parents never taught them how to behave. You can also turn your kids loose and let a wolfpack raise them. Maybe they will survive as feral children. Even if they discovered how to kill a rabbit with their bare hands it wasn't all on their own, they learned that shit from the pack leader. Ceaser Milan taught me you have to be a pack leader for your kids, dogs, whatever. As the leader, you set the moral and physical pace for the pack. These parents pace is the typical DWL Hipster mantra of "whatever".

These parents are purposely socially retarding their children to be androgynous Hipster shitstains. 

The mother shockingly practices unschooling. Unschooling is the practice of letting your kids homeschool themselves, which is only the thrird or fourth dumbest thing that these parents are doing. Way to set them up for a lifetime of fail.


  1. Unschooling..........hmmmmmmm. me thinks there's a buck to be made off these Hipster douchebaggettes- unschool lunchboxes, unschool supplies, unschool ununiforms, etc etc.

  2. "Homosexuals believe they are born that way, yet study after study after study of sexual deviant child molesters have shown that those who were molested are much more likely to be victims of molestation themselves, and as children were significantly more likely to experience pervasive, serious and more frequent emotional abuse, physical abuse and neglect. So what is it? Nature or nurture?"

    Nice job equivocating homosexuality and child molesters and also screwing up the English language badly enough that your sentence doesn't actually make sense. It's one great big conglomeration of stupid, with juuuuuuust enough casual bigotry to have some spice.

  3. Homeschooling is good. It is a must for any grade past 3 grade, unless one lives in an totally exemplary community .

    Unschooling, however , in an age of television influence , ain't such a wise notion .

    If you take the kids out into a wilderness homestead, far away from the trash of mass culture ...out where there is NO hipster MTV influence, and at least teach them how to read , then perhaps one could have another George Washington Carver , Thomas Edison, or Emily of Amherst . Not in the suburbs though ....
