Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Thank You

I would like to thank my loyal readers helping me reach the 3,000 hit benchmark in less than six weeks. As many of you know, I only began this blog in response to my talentless and narcissistic cousin and her horrendous art blog. I figured I could double her lame readership by blogging about inane topics too. One difference; I don't pretend that I have any talent. She started her blog over a year ago, and I have already reached half her readership by blogging about the famous Art Boat, tight pants, and stupid residents of Little Italy. I am not including the link to her blog here, you would never forgive me, but if you are a glutton for punishment listen to her poem "Buttercup History". I enjoy a good laugh so please attempt to tell me with a straight face that the late Alex the Talking Parrot (R.I.P.) couldn't have run circles around her in a prose competition. If you really want your ears to bleed, check out her pathetic singing and guitar playing here on her never-will-be-a-hit single "Consequences of DNA".


  1. What the hell is wrong with her?

  2. Her site should be renanmed "AWFUL POETRY AND MUSIC: just awul-horrendous, not good at all......not even "so bad that its good", just crap, pure unmitigated crap." Its kinda long, but it leaves little room for doubt
